Saturday morning, ten o’clock. The sun is shining, the air is just the right amount of crisp with the promise of warmth later on, and …

Writer and Historian
Saturday morning, ten o’clock. The sun is shining, the air is just the right amount of crisp with the promise of warmth later on, and …
I walked into the classroom full of first-day-of-school optimism, shiny new notebook in one hand, water bottle in another. Ready to take on my History …
I was an overwhelmed graduate student when I first heard of the Pomodoro Technique, sometimes also called the Pomodoro method. In Italian, the word pomodoro …
“How are you?” “Busy.” I’m so busy. Three powerful, tiny words. Three destructive words. Three words that burned me out, that hurt my mental health, …
Or, how I joined the 5 a.m. Writers’ Club and stuck with it. Since mid-April 2021, I’ve been waking up earlier than usual to write. …
Note: This post is geared toward novelists, but there’s advice in here that can be applicable for other types of writers, too! Writing is hard. …
Writing, as many writers will agree, is a lot like breathing. I can’t imagine a life where I’m not writing regularly. Yet like many writers, …
After I defended my dissertation and received my PhD, I made a promise to myself: I was going to take a break from history. A …
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), which takes place every November, might seem like a crazy endeavor: write 50,000 words–a short rough draft of a novel–in …
Recently I came across this unpublished piece that I wrote several years ago, while I was still living the faster-paced city life, and wanted to …